
*Agriculture 4 *Biodiversity 1 *Carbon Cycle 1 *Censuses 1 *Conservation of Natural Resources 1 *Grassland 1 *Workflow 1 0428 Carbon cycling 1 2018 1 2019 1 2020 3 2021 2 3-D canopy models 1 Abandonment 3 aboveground carbon 1 Accuracy 4 Accuracy assessment 3 Adolescent 2 Afforestation 2 Africa 1 Agent based modeling 1 agri 3 agricultural abandonment 5 Agricultural expansion 2 Agricultural intensification 1 Agricultural intensity 1 agricultural land abandonment 1 Agricultural land cover 1 Agricultural trade 1 agricultural treadmill 1 agriculture 10 methods 1 Albania 1 Amazon 5 Amazon pastures 1 Analysis ready data 2 Animals 3 Anthropogenic threat 1 Arctic 1 ARD 1 arrow framework 1 article is available online 1 Artificial neural network 1 Asia 1 ATCOR 1 Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) 1 Austria 2 automatable approach 1 Automated clustering 1 AVIRIS 1 bachelor 5 Bark beetle 2 Bark beetles 1 Bayesian belief network 1 Berlin 3 best_practices 1 Big data 2 Big data processing 1 Biodiversity 3 biodiversity governance 1 Bioindicators 1 Biomass trajectories 1 biosphere reserve 1 Birds of prey 1 Bison bonasus 1 Boosted regression trees 2 Border 1 boreal forest 1 Brazilian Cerrado 1 BRDF 1 Burkina Faso 1 Business and Economics 1 Caesium 1 Cambodia 1 Carbon quantification 1 *history 1 Carpathians 5 Caucasus mountains 1 Cause of Death 1 Central 1 Central Asia 1 Cerrado 1 Chaco 1 Change detection 2 China 1 class probabilities 1 classification 5 Classifier ensembles 1 Climate 1 climate change 1 Climate change mitigation 1 climate_change 1 Cloud detection 1 colloquium 1 Communicable Disease Control 1 community 1 complex landscapes 1 Compositing 1 conservation 2 conservation planing 1 Copernicus 1 CORINE 1 Crete 1 Critical wind speed 1 Crop production 1 Cropland abandonment 1 Data density 1 Data fusion 1 decision support 1 Deforestation 1 Degradation 1 virology 1 diurnal carbon uptake 1 Double sigmoid 1 Earth observation 2 Eastern 1 ecological niche 1 Ecosystem 1 endmember selection 1 EnMAP 5 enmap-h 1 enmap-sag 1 Environment 1 eo-grids 1 EOL Software 1 Essential biodiversity variables 1 Europe 3 Farmland abandonment 1 fire 3 forest 3 Forest condition 1 Forest cover 1 forest degradation drivers 1 forest disturbance 1 Forest fire management 1 forestry 1 Fraction mapping 1 Fuzzy logic classification 1 Germany 1 global warming impact 1 glp 1 Governance 1 Habitat suitability 1 Humans 3 Hymap 1 hyper 3 image classification 1 Image compositing 2 Image texture 1 Import vector machine (IVM) 1 Institutional change 1 Land change 1 land cover 1 land fragmentation 1 land_use 1 Land-use intensity 1 Land-use transitions 1 Categorical data analysis 1 landcover 8 Landsat 1 Landsat-8 2 Landsat-metrics 1 livestock production 1 Location error 1 lst 1 Machine learning 1 master 5 methods 4 ows-demo 1 Panel model 1 permafrost 1 Photosynthetic vegetation 1 savanna 2 schedules 2 sent-mag 1 spatial statistics 1 spectral library 1 Thermal infrared (TIR) 1 thesis_guidelines 1 thesys 1 timeseries 4 tree species 1 urban 6 Landscape patterns metrics 1