Leon Nill

M.Sc. Leon Nill

Doctoral Student

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

I’am a geographer interested in ecosystem state and development from a global environmental change perspective - focused on the tundra and savanna biomes. Satellite-based earth observation in combination with statistical learning constitute the main methodologies of my research. I seek to advance the possibilities of applied remote sensing in order to contribute to science that fosters ecosystem integrity and thus socio-ecological well-beeing.

Phone: +49 (0)30 2093-6894
Email: leon.nill@geo.hu-berlin.de
Rudower Chaussee 16, 12489 Berlin
Room Location: Room 2'222, 'old' building
  • MSc. in Global Change Geography, 2021

    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (DE)

  • B.Sc. Physical Geography, 2018

    Universität Würzburg (DE)

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