Our values...
We stand for diversity | equity | family friendliness
The Earth Observation Lab (EOLab) is an equal opportunity workplace. We are dedicated to promote equity and diversity, to create a welcoming, respectful and inclusive environment. We are convinced that diversity and inclusion are essential to the success of research and teaching, and the advancement of knowledge. We hence welcome and support individuals regardless their gender, gender identity and expression, race/ethnicity, age, disability status, religion or origin. We work to ensure that all our lab members have equal opportunities to participate in and contribute to our research, and we are committed to actively address any biases or inequalities that may arise, as we embrace open and respectful communication within and outside of the EOLab – fully supporting the Gender Equality Concept of the Department of Geography at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin also strives to create a family-friendly working environment. The EOLab fully supports our university’s strategy to support families and family life across all career stages. Among others, HU offers childcare facilities, family rooms and family funds. At EOLab, we support family friendliness by offering flexible and individualized work arrangements, including home office days, telework and parental leave arrangements.