- Bartelt, Max. (ongoing). The effect of the Russian war on forest fires in the Ukraine.
- Karnowski, Tim. (ongoing). The expansion of Eucalyptus Plantations in the Biobío Region in Chile and its correlation to favouring wildfires.
- Benesch, Julia. (ongoing). Characterizing the spatial and temporal patterns of tree dieback in Germany
- Schmidts, Phillip. (2024). Assessing soil conservation practices in Brandenburg: A comparative analysis of conventional and remote sensing methods with Sentinel-2 time series
- Busse, Klara. (2024). Characterizing the drought response of grasslands under different rewetting conditions
- Meier, Marlon. (2024). Analyse der räumlichen Muster von Bränden und Vegetationsstrukturen im Hluhlhuwe-iMfolozi Park unter Verwendung von Landsat-Satellitenaufnahmen
- Gutschick, Lennart. (2024). Analysen zur landwirtschaftlichen Flächengröße im ehemaligen Ost- und Westdeutschland mit Satellitendaten
- Villadsen, Maya. (2024). Identifying herbivory browsing patterns in the Bavarian Forest National Park using airborne LiDAR data
- Hiller, Anton. (2023). Potential of high resolution multispectral satellite data for object-based tree species classification in mixed temperate and mountain forests
- Wöber, Kira. (2023). Vergleich der Trockenstressresilienz ökologischer und konventioneller Landwirtschaft - eine Gegenüberstellung mit Hilfe von Zeitreihenbildern und deren NDVI
- Kaden, Josua. (2022). Lidar based individual tree detection and segmentation for tree changes
- Knappe, Jennifer. (2022). Statistische Feldgrößenverteilung von kleinbäuerlichen Landschaften im Norden Mosambiks
- Wolf, Lysianne. (2022). Assessing the influence of soil moisture and soil types on vegetation dynamics of low land temperate grasslands during drought
- Eichfuss, Lennart. (2022). Mapping active croplands in floodplains across Northern Mozambique with Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time series data
- Rehwaldt, Rasmus. (2022). Detecting Forest Vitality Change in Brandenburg with Sentinel-2 Time Series Data
- Thiele-Stoehr, Luka. (2022). Examining the connection between former land use and the water regime of rewetted bogs
- Hammer, Pauline. (2022). Remote sensing-based mapping of bee-friendly mown grassland in Neumarkt, Germany
- Butzer, Ruben. (2022). Landschaftsweite Analyse von Abundanz und Diversität verschiedener Bestäubergemeinschaften im Grünland basierend auf Landsat 8 und Sentinel-2 Zeitreihen
- Jensch, Kassandra. (2022). Mapping Intermediate Crops in Brandenburg using Landsat and Sentinel‑2 Time Series
- Gebhard-Wilken, Sophia. (2021). The utility of Sentinel-1 data for mapping fire severity - a case study in-Brandenburg
- Lang, Clemens. (2021). Analysis and mapping of paddy rice expansion and intensification in Cambodia since 2000
- Neumaier, Antonia. (2021). Quantifying Drought Stress Effects in Baltic Forests Employing Recent SENTINEL-2 Satellite Images
- Rabuske, Alex. (2020). Development of a new Matching Criterion for Domain Adaptation-based Urban Morphology Classification
- Noack, Adrian. (2020). Analysis of forest disturbances by fires in Brandenburg using Landsat time series since 1985
- Hämmerle, Janicka. (2020). Drought effects on old-growth forests compared to new-growth forests in Central and Eastern Europe
- Dierkes, Henrike. (2019). Estimating crop water requirements and irrigation water withdrawal for olive cultivations in Crete
- Wünsche, Malte. (2019). Land-cover based analysis of remote-sensing derived phenological metrics
- Cremer, Noelle. (2019). Regression-based impervious surface mapping across European capital cities using semi-automated training data collection
- Gladel, Sarah. (2019). Was sehen wir in einem Pixel? Ansatz zur repräsentativen Feldmessung, ihre Verknüpfung mit Satellitenmessungen und Schätzung grünlandrelevanter Parameter. Eine Fallstudie in Brandenburg.
- Faehling, Tim. (2019). An approach to monitoring the encroachment of shifting cultivation in Hin Nam No national park, Lao PDR using the MODIS active fire- and field survey data
- Küpper, Jonas. (2019). Dhaka revisited - Combining Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 imagery for Land Cover Mapping in a Monsoon region
- Schubert, Torben. (2019). Vergleich fernerkundlicher Methoden zur Erkennung von Waldstörungen im Nationalpark Berchtesgaden
- Schwittai, Steffen. (2019). Using Landsat time series for mapping winter and spring crops in Southeastern Anatolia
- Meyer, Lorenz. (2018). Comparison between Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 data to estimate Leaf Area Index in temperate forests - a case study from the Bavarian forest
- Skiepko, Christiane. (2018). Validation of national-scale agricultural land use maps generated from dense Landsat time series - the case of Turkey
- Nie, Xianyun. (2018). Forest Disturbance Trends in the Ukrainian Carpathians from 1984 to 2016 Quantified from Landsat Time Series
- Pfoch, Kira. (2018). Observation of grassland using optical and radar satellite data
- Bögner, Stefanie. (2018). Assessing 30 years of land cover change on military bases in Eastern Germany from Landsat satellite data
- Ermshaus, Arik. (2018). Deep Spatio-Temporal Time Series Land Cover Classification
- Isensee, Johannes. (2018). Forest disturbance Siberia; phenology; GEE
- Spengler, Simon. (2018). Mapping urban structures from Sentinel-2 data for Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
- Will, Christopher. (2018). Eine Untersuchung der zeitlichen Übertragbarkeit fernerkundlicher Klassifikationsmodelle zur urbanen Landnutzungskartierung in Berlin auf Basis einer Landsat-Zeitreihe
- Heyde, Aaron. (2017). Zugang zu medizinischer Grundversorgung in Kenia
- Wenzel, Anna. (2017). Dynamic and Determinants of Fire Occurrence in the Northern Indochina Subtropical Forests
- Thomsen, Simon. (2016). Comparing deforestation rates and patterns along the Colombian – Ecuadorian border
- Kramer, Christina. (2016). Das Potenzial multitemporaler Fernerkundungsdaten zur Kartierung von Grünlandnutzungsintensität und ‑management. Eine Studie im Bundesland Brandenburg
- Ernst, Stefan. (2016). Quantifying the impact of Landsat data availability on classification accuracies of agricultural landscapes in southeastern Turkey
- Radek, Kristin. (2016). Landnutzungskartierung im Böhmer Wald Ökosystem mittels Landsat Zeitreihen
- Jähnicke, Clemens. (2016). Support vector regression and synthetically mixed training data for quantifying land cover in the San Francisco Bay Area
- Kowalski, Katja. (2016). Analysis of forest disturbance dynamics in the Tatra Mountains using Landsat time series from 1986 to 2015
- Thiel, Fabian. (2016). Classifying anthropogenic and natural urban surface types using imaging spectrometer and LiDAR data
- Zebski, Arne. (2016). Understanding the impact of forest disturbances on lynx habitat selection in the Bohemian Forest
- Hoffmann, Johanna. (2015). Assessing the Potential of Imaging Spectroscopy Data for Urban Tree Classification
- Voss, Torben. (2015). Untersuchung des Einflusses künstlicher Bewässerung auf die Phänologie landwirtschaftlicher Vegetation (Alentejo, Portugal)