Neija Elvekjaer

M.Sc. Neija Elvekjaer

Doctoral Student

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

I’m interested in combining remote sensing and field data for monitoring environmental and human sustainability. I have previously worked with citizen science projects and deep learning in the context of biodiversity, and I enjoy exploring the potential of new technology and data sources in geographical workflows. In my current research I am working with EnMAP hyperspectral imagery to further understanding of fire prone ecosystems with a focus on California.

Phone: +49 (0)30 2093-6905
Rudower Chaussee 16, 12489 Berlin
Room Location: Room 2'228, 'old' Building
  • M.Sc. Geomatics, 2019

    Lund University, Sweden

  • B.Sc. Physical Geography, 2017

    Lund University, Sweden