Esther Shupel Ibrahim

M.Sc. Esther Shupel Ibrahim

Doctoral Student

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

I am passionate about satellite data mining, interpretation and spatial modeling. During the course of my career, I have obtained vast experience in GIS and remote sensing analysis. Over the years, I have come to understand clearly the implication of Natural Resources Management issues in development, as the natural environment forms the basis for sustainable livelihoods and economies. My motivations and research interests are birthed from the immediate environmental needs and plight of the common people, especially in Africa. Presently I have a special interest in generating automated methods for large satellite data processing for smart practices especially in agriculture, water, energy, disaster under climate change.

Phone: +49 (0)30 2093-6870
Rudower Chaussee 16, 12489 Berlin
Room Location: Room 2'218a, 'old' building